Thursday, May 13, 2010

National Anthems at Public Events

The following is the text of a letter sent to the CBC radio program Q with Jian Gomeshi.  It was sent in response to a sports panel discussion on the playing of national anthems at sporting events, and in particular the fact that anthems are always televised for hockey playoff games, unlike many other sports. 

The letter was read as "Letter of the Day" on the program on 12 May 2010.
Text of Letter

When I was growing up in the 70's and early 80's, they used to play the national anthem at the movie theatre before the show, and everyone would stand up and show proper respect (remove hats, stop eating popcorn, etc.)

The last time I can remember this happening was when I went to see a movie at the base movie theatre at CFB Gagetown N.B. in 1989. (Haven't been to a base theatre since though).

I guess the anthem has been eliminated at the movies because they now have so much other stuff to cram in before the film starts.

It is sad that we've lost this tradition - today people don't know what to do when the anthem is played.

In 2002 (as a Major) I commanded the welcoming Guard and the Band for G8 Summit at the Calgary Airport. There was a crew of high school age kids responsible for rolling out the red carpet to the leaders' jets. I was surprised to then see them then perch on chairs with their baseball hats on while the leaders arrived and the anthems were played. (I did fill them in on the right etiquette).

Folks wouldn't need to be told over a PA system how to behave if we hadn't eliminated the National Anthem from the start of so many public events.

That said - I do like the theme music your show starts with!


[-Author's Name-]
Lieutenant - Colonel
End of Letter Text

Audio File of Letters Segment of Q (12 May 2010)

Audio File of Q Show Introduction inspired by this Letter (13 May 2010)

-- CR

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